
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Mmm.. Monday!

We had such a great day!!  We started the day with a Letter Hunt!  Each student had a letter I assigned them and they had to use their detective eyes to hunt for it in our room!  It was great fun!  Then for math, we played "Where Do I Belong?" where w sorted according to things you could do or wear in different weather and tallied them up.  Our letter of the week is Mm and our Sight Word for the week is We!  Today, we also read about baby animals in the book is Who's Baby Am I?  It is an adorable book where we match up the baby to its parent.  We also learned a lot about our Happy Campers of the Day, Joshua (AM) and Ella (PM)!

Remember the two days to return and switch the Take Home Books (for Homework) are Mondays and Thursdays.  Today in the AM class we had 15 books turned in and only 10 in the PM class, some of them turned in did not have notes to exchange for a new book, so they are still on the same book.

If you would like to order from Scholastic, you can send in the paper copy I sent home by Friday, or complete your order online by Wednesday.  If you order online, our class gets a free book.    

What a great start to our week!  Wow, I cannot believe September is almost done!  Thank you for all you do to help your child be successful!  I am so blessed to be your child's teacher!! Happy Trails!

Mrs. Wittwer

Thursday, September 25, 2014


We had a very busy day!  We got to play a few new fun math games!  One was called Red Light/ Green Light, and one was called Pop Up!  Then we played a dice game where we had to put the number rolled of birthday candles (crayons) on a cake.  Today we finished the alphabet with Y and Z.  During reading groups, we worked on the sight word Can, letters, sounds and students read a book with me, working on concepts of print and phonemic awareness.

Everyday we have been working on our social skills of being kind and respectful to others in class.  This includes staying in our bubble, not touching others in the class and keeping our hands and feet to ourselves.  Today, we had the opportunity to discuss and practice what it looks like to be a polite and respectful team member of our classroom.  Emphasizing that using our best manners and treating people respectfully is an important life skill.

  1. Yeah! Tomorrow is our Specialist Day and we get to meet our 4th Grade Buddies for the first time!  Don't forget your P.E. shoes!  :) 
  2. Please help your child to turn in their homework folder with their homework tomorrow!  
  3. Tomorrow, I will send the current Scholastic book leaflet that you and your child can look through together.
  4. If your child didn't receive a different reading book for homework today, it is because we didn't see a note attached saying to change the book for a new one.
Happy Trails!

~Mrs. Wittwer

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!

We had such a wonderful day together! We started our day with reading groups, where the kiddos worked on writing (using "kindergarten writing" - capital at the beginning and all other letters lowercase), listening, sight words, sounding out words, and reading. After groups, we did calendar, celebrated our Happy Campers Katie and Sienna!  We worked on two more letters (Ww and Xx) and had our Daily News. During math we sorted ourselves different ways, and then items that would go in a backpack or a toy box. Finally, we read the text "Made From Clay" in the AM class, and we read "Cool Dog, School Dog" in the PM and talked about what types of books are fiction and non-fiction.  We were able to fit in a short recess and then our day was done. 
 Thank you for sharing your child with me! I truly feel blessed to teach and work with each and every one of them! 

Important Notes:
1. October 1st - Box Tops are due!
2. Tomorrow is the book exchange! Please be sure your child has their book in the plastic envelope, ready to be checked in tomorrow. If your child needs a new book or a new level, please put a note IN THE PLASTIC ENVELOPE...otherwise, your note may be missed!
3. Homework is due on Friday! 
4. Scholastic Book Orders due online by October 1st!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First day of Autumn!

What a great day!  I have to say that these reading group days fly by!  Everybody did a great job helping me get our tables set up for reading groups, they gave their best effort in reading groups and all day today!  In reading groups, we wrote about what we can do (I can _____) and drew a picture about it, listened to a different story about a bear, and worked on more sight words.  For math we worked on sorting real life pictures that go together, ex: a lamp and light bulb, or a cup and straw, etc.  We learned about our Happy Camper friends Hayden M. and Chevy today!  In the AM class we read a really fun rhyming book, Cool Dog, School Dog (we will read this tomorrow in PM).  Today in the PM we had a Royal Reader for Emily's birthday and she read Pete the Cat, Too Cool for School, another really fun book about being yourself!

Another great day in Camp Kindergarten!   Happy Trails!

I have assigned a due date for Scholastic Reading Clubs online order for October 1st!  Here is the code:


You can look online and order online, remember for every online order we get a free book in our classroom.  They get shipped right to my room and I send them home, it is is a great system!

Coming Up This Week:
Thursday is a big day:

  1. Turn in book envelopes with a note if your child is ready for a new book!
  2. Turn in library books!
  1. Homework is due with Homework Folder!
  2. First day of 4th Grade Buddies!
  3. All Specialists: Library, Music and P.E.
~Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, September 22, 2014

Another Great Monday!

We had a great time today getting to read about the Gingerbread Boy!  After, we drew pictures of how we imagined the gingerbread boy in our heads as we read the story aloud.  Then after, we read a different version called the Gingerbread Baby!  We learned a lot about our Happy Campers of the day Bridger and Brianna during our interviews!  Then we wrote our name book for them, and they helped us with our Daily News!  One last exciting activity was creating our gingerbread boy headbands!  

Today is our second week of homework! Your child once again brought home their homework folders today! Here is what to look for:
On the LEFT AT HOME side:
1. Sight word practice pages done during our reading groups.

1. Homework page: On the front is our Kindergarten Daily News, as well as upcoming events and a math challenge. Please encourage your child to try the math challenge (all should know what to do)! On the back, students need to write one sentence per day ON THEIR OWN. Remember, these first few weeks of homework can be difficult, so please just encourage your child to do their best and encourage them a lot! 
2. Take Home Book: STUDENTS NEED TO RETURN THEIR TAKE HOME BOOK IN THEIR PLASTIC ENVELOPE EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY! We check in their book and be sure they have their book to bring home. REMEMBER, if the book seems too easy or too difficult, please just put a note in the plastic envelope and return it on Thursday. ALL TAKE HOME BOOKS NEED TO BE RETURNED ON THURSDAY FOR CHECK IN AND EXCHANGE (if needed).  

****Remember if your child is ready for a new book, please put a quick sticky note on the book saying they are ready for a new book! 

A Few Important Notes:
1. A few kiddos did not have their take home book in their plastic take home book envelope. Please return it with their books as we don't have extra envelopes, and this helps our books to last longer.
2. Library books are due on Thursday! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thankful Thursday!

Hello!  What a great day!  Your child came ready to learn and have fun!  We had reading groups again today where we worked on the sight words "I can" and practiced our letters, sounds and writing our letters the way the first grade teachers want them written.  We loved learning about our Happy Campers of the day, they were Heidi and Olivia!  For math we worked on things that go together, like a basket ball and a hoop, or ski poles and skis, a football and a helmet, etc.  Also, today we learned the letters K and L and the sounds they make.  

Remember tomorrow is PICTURE DAY!  So if you have not turned in your picture packet, please remember to do so tomorrow!  Also, this is our specialist day, so please make sure you send your little peanut in shoes they are able to run in for PE! :) 

Today was our first book exchange, and it went very well!  Please remember that to move to another book your child should have read this book many times and should be able to point to every word as they read every word independently on each page.  When you feel your child is ready to move to another book, send a sticky note or note in their book envelope telling me and my wonderful parent helpers that they are ready for a new book.  **Today there were not that many sticky notes in envelopes, so if your child is ready for a new book you may send it in tomorrow with a sticky note and I will exchange it. :) 

Tomorrow the Homework folders are due, please make sure your child's homework is in there too!  :)
Cookie Dough Orders are due!
Specialist are tomorrow!

Happy Trails!  

~Mrs. Wittwer 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today, we had a rockin and rollin day!  We have hit our groove and just keep going!  We had reading groups again this morning and afternoon, so each group got to read the "I can" book focusing on sight words with me!  They read the book "Bear gets sick" at the listening center, worked with Ms. Dody on letters and the sounds they make, as well as an "I can" page with our parent helpers of the day, Stacie and Julie!  We had a our math lesson still focusing on similar and exactly the same, but things have gotten a little tricky as we have to find things that go together, like a pencil and paper, skis and poles, etc.  Our letters of the day today were I and J, and we read about things "Hands Can Do!"

Happy Trails!

Mrs. Wittwer  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!!

What a terrific day we had today!  It seemed to fly by as we learned about the letters G and H today, including all the sounds they make!  We learned about our Happy Campers of the day, Hayden K. and Brandon and what some of their favorite things are!

Some more big news of today is that we started reading groups!  Wow!  This was fun!  We had four different rotations and I have to say I am so proud of each group as they rotated!  You would have thought we have been doing it all year long!  Thank you to Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Monk for helping us at the Raccoon table where we worked on the sight word I!  You did such a great job with each group!  At my table we worked some more on the sight word I as well as text features of a book.  The students also got to work with Ms. Dody and listen to the book on cd "Bear Gets Scared."

Such a fun day today!  Remember to do that homework!  Read the book and write that sentence.  Great job parents on not telling them how to spell a word correctly, but helping them to sound it out and letting them write down what they hear!  Remember this is the beginning of the writing process! Praise them because they are trying their very hardest for you and me!  You are doing an amazing job!  Thank you for all your emails!  I LOVE hearing how the homework is going!

Happy Trails! 
Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, September 15, 2014

Marvelous Monday!


We are really enjoying interviewing the "Happy Camper" and "publishing" our Kindergarten Daily News! The students are getting more comfortable with our routines and how to be a student.  The Happy Campers of today (Adrienne in AM and Zoey in PM) did a great job helping us with our Calendar and telling us our Daily News!    

Today was an action packed day! We had math, where we found things that were similar, almost exactly the same, but at least one thing was different!  We introduced the letters E and F today and all the sounds those to letters make!  Also, the AM class finished their Pete the Cat art, and both classes are displayed in the hallway! 
Tomorrow will be a different day in that we will start reading groups, so every single child will meet with me in a small group( 5 students in a group).  I'm very much looking forward to starting reading groups tomorrow and getting small group time with every student! 

Homework starts tonight!  Please check your child's backpack and refer to yesterday's post below. 

Thank you so much!
Mrs. Wittwer

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What's Coming Home on Monday?

We just wanted to give you a heads up on what will be in your child's homework folder tomorrow.
On the LEFT AT HOME side:
1. A traceable September calendar. Have your child trace the month and dates for September. They do not need to return this calendar, this is just a little extra letter and number practice for them. You can make it a big deal that they have their own "Kindergarten Calendar!" :) 
2. An information packet including: correct pencil grip, letter writing progression, and how your child should be forming their letters.
3. Whitworth Private Swim Lessons Sign Up

1. Homework page: On the front is our Kindergarten Daily News, as well as upcoming events and a math challenge. On the back, students need to write one sentence per day ON THEIR OWN. Remember, these first few weeks of homework can be difficult, so please just encourage your child to do their best and stay positive! 
 2.  Picture Packet and reminder: Friday, September 19th. Remember, Dorian will be taking both individual and class pictures on that day.  Please return and send in the picture packet complete.
3. Take Home Book: In the plastic envelope there is a book contract (to be signed by your child and returned), an information sheet for you on how to support your child during their reading time (for you to keep), and their first book. PLEASE REMEMBER, if the book seems too easy or too difficult, please just put a note in the plastic envelope and return it on Thursday. ALL TAKE HOME BOOKS NEED TO BE RETURNED ON THURSDAY FOR CHECK IN AND EXCHANGE.
**Just a loving reminder that homework is due Friday at the beginning of class.**

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fun Fridays!

Boy!  Friday's are FUN and they are FAST!  Today, we were wrapping up several fun and big projects that took the majority of our day!  We finished our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Pages.  When you come into school you will see that they are displayed in our classroom on the back cabinets.  We also made our very own Pete the Cat!  They turned out SO cute!!  Students were working on their fine motor skills while cutting out Pete.  Our Pete the Cats will be displayed in the hallway, so be sure you check them out when you come in!

Next week is the week that I am trying to get everything off the ground and running.  Reading groups, homework, etc.  So if you turned in volunteer paperwork, expect a phone call from me!  :) Remember, our homework folders will come home on Monday.  Our official homework will start Monday and will need to be returned on Friday, the 19th.  Writing and Reading homework will start as well.  Remember at Open House when I said homework can be very difficult at the beginning, this is the week that I kind of expect it to be difficult, so the biggest thing you can do is help it to be as positive as possible, give lots of praise for the effort they are showing you and tell them how proud of them you are for giving you (and me) their best effort.  I also know how wonderful your children are and that most are excited for homework to start!  

Also, next Friday is our class and individual picture day.  That is also the day that our Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough forms and sales should be turned in.  If you are in the AM class, your picture packets are coming home on Monday in the Homework Folder.

We started our secret password last night!  Don't worry if your child missed out on today's pencil for the secret password, there is another secret password tonight (and there will be one every night next week, randomly after that)!  The way the secret password works is when you read blog post everyday, if you see a secret password on that post, please write down the secret password with your child's name on a piece of paper and read it to your child and have them bring it into school the next day.  They will get a secret special surprise for you reading the blog daily and for them turning in to me the next day! 

Tonight's secret password is: Kindergarten students are AWESOME!!!  

Thank you so much for these first couple weeks of school!  They have been so amazing!  I am having a little trouble with emails I have sent being sent back to me, so if you can please email me just a quick little email with your name and child's name so that I can make sure I have your current email address.  As a thank you, I have a little surprise I will send back to you!

Thank you!  Happy Friday!
~Mrs. Wittwer

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wonderful Thursday!

Today was a whirlwind of activity!  We started the day with an activity working on things that are "Exactly the Same" and it is in your child's backpack.  The things that should be colored the same are the birds, the small flowers and the trees.  We had such a fun time doing Calendar and learning about our Happy Campers of the day!  Natalie (AM) and Bo (PM) told us some of their favorite things during their interview!  With our Happy Campers this week, we started our Daily News, which will be our homework that will come home on Monday!  We read our book: "Rules are Important" and we introduced 2 new letters, C and D!  We have practiced all the sounds these letters make.  Then we cut out our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees, tomorrow we will put it all together and put on our finishing touches.

Don't forget, tomorrow is Friday, which means all students should be wearing clothes that they can run and play in during P.E.  It was a little chilly today, so please be sure you send your little peanut with a sweat shirt so they are warm enough when we get a little recess time.  Also, your child's homework folder is due tomorrow!  Please help remind your child to put it in their backpack.

Also, next Friday is Picture day!  Group and Individual pictures will be taken on this day, at the same time.  I will send home the picture packets tomorrow!  Please return when filled out, either before or on the picture day!  

I LOVE the hard work that your child is showing me!  They are doing awesome!!

Happy Thursday!
~Mrs. Wittwer

Secret Password:  If you read this tonight or tomorrow morning before school, please write down this secret password with your child's name on a piece of paper and read it to your child and have them bring it into school tomorrow, they will get a special surprise for you reading the blog and turning in the secret password!

Tonight's secret password is: Kindergarten Rocks!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Happy Wednesday!!

Hooray!!  What a fun day we had today!  It was jam packed full of:
  1. First starting out with cutting and coloring our selves to go under our Chicka Chicka trees 
  2. Then we practicing writing our name
  3. Calendar time
  4. Interviewing our Happy Campers of the Day (Lucas-AM, Collin- PM) to find out some of their favorite things!  :)
  5. Painting our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees
  6. Math with lots of counting and even counting with beans
  7. Then we had circle time where everyone said what their favorite thing they did this last week, all while working very hard at listening to everyone.
Here is a sample of the trees they made today!  I have to say I was VERY impressed with how well everyone did with the paint!  Some students didn't even have any paint on their hands and EVERYONE did a fantastic job during cleanup!  WOW!

Please work hard at selling that cookie dough!
Don't forget, all our specialist are on Friday, so wear those tennis shoes on Friday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Tuesday!!

Wow!  What a beautiful, sunny Tuesday!  We had such a wonderful day that started with solving some challenging puzzles.  After puzzles, we had calendar time and our Happy Camper Interviews!  During our interview we learned some of our H.C. favorites.  Today's Happy Campers were Maxwell (AM) and Ashlyn (PM).  These students helped me with our calendar time and songs, which is pretty fun!  Everyone will get to be a Happy Camper of the Day, it will just take some time to get to everyone (20 days = 20 students)!  

After Calendar, we took a closer look at our story Animals in the Park, An ABC Book.  These animals all are doing something, some of those things we learned are realistic and some are not realistic, so we call stories that include things that are not realistic Fictional stories.  Then we learned about the the letter Bb.  After reading, we went outside for a quick brain break to enjoy the sunshine and have recess.  

Math was super cool today because we had a fun activity that involved socks, some are the EXACT SAME and some are SIMILAR.  Some were very tricky to find the differences, but we did it!  We also practiced how to rotate today for Reading Groups when we start reading group rotations.  Each student got a sticker at every table.  We practiced where to go, where to look, what signals to listen for and appropriate behavior throughout.      

Please put your child in an outfit tomorrow that you don't mind if it gets a little bit of paint on it.  Of course, we will try our very best not to, but we are painting! :)

Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!
We had such a wonderful day today! We began our special "Happy Camper" person of the day. The student (AM: Finley, PM: Dylan) helped me lead and identify our Calendar routine. Everyone practiced writing the "Happy Camper's" name and the "Happy Camper" should have the name book in backpack to keep at home. 

We also began our Reading and Math curriculum today! We read "Animals in the Park: An ABC Book" and identified the title, author, and illustrator of many books. We practiced counting beans on a new "hand math mat" and introduced new math vocabulary: Exactly the same or similar!  We also read a favorite book of mine, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! 

 Today was the first day the homework folder came home.  There is a picture of a blue sock in the homework folder on the left side (the stay at home side) and there is a handwriting page on the right side (the return to school side).  The handwriting page is due back on Friday in the homework folder.  **On the handwriting page please help your kindergartener practice writing the letters the way they are "dotted" with a finger space in between each time they write their name.  We are emphasizing that the tall letters touch the top line, the small letters only touch the dotted middle line and all the letters sit on the bottom line.  Thank you for your help with this at home!** 

It was a big day! :) Be looking for the Cookie Fundraiser packet (PM should have received it on Friday, AM will bring it home Tuesday)

Please come to the PTO Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 in the Library for the PTO meeting and a presentation on what Kindergarten has been up to so far this year!  Hope to see you there!

Mrs. Wittwer

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Fun Friday!

The students went to P.E., music, and library for the first time. They came back very excited about all the activities and things they were able to do! You've probably already seen them, but we made "Hooray for Kindergarten" sun visors, too! The kiddos took the job of decorating their sun visors very seriously! 

Important Information:
1. AM students will now be lining up outside by the main office doors. A staff member will wait for all students to arrive and then escort them inside and to their classrooms.
2. AM Please fill out/correct the white demographics paper that was sent home yesterday. Return it to school on Monday with your child.  PM: this will be sent home on Monday!
3. I will start sending home your child's Homework/Important paper Folder on Monday. Please check their backpack everyday after school and return their folder in their backpacks on Friday!  Homework will not start this week, this is just to get into the habit of using the Homework Folder as a means of transporting important papers to and from school. 
4) Our first PTO meeting is this Monday, the 8th at 6:30 in the library!  Please come and learn all about Prairie View's PTO, ways to be involved, and to see your Kindergarten Team present "A Day in the Life of  Kindergartener" featuring your child's first week of Kindergarten!  Come to get a glimpse into your child's day.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Look What I Can Do!

 Today was filled with activities! The students worked very hard on different tasks and activities; showing me what they can do! I was beyond impressed with their work ethic and willingness to try!  We ended our day with free choice. We saw students sharing, building, problem solving, and laughing. 

Remember, tomorrow the students get to go see all their specialists! Check the top of the blog to see your child's P.E., Music, and Library times. Also, please help your child to remember that they need tennis shoes for P.E.! 

Also, if you haven't yet sent in your child's school supplies, important paperwork or your child's first day question (on white paper), please do that ASAP! Thanks for all your support! 

I feel so blessed to have your child in my class!

Sorry for the delay in posting tonight, I had major tech issues and my wonderful husband just fixed them!  :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Second Day of School was Rockin!

We had quite an action packed day! 
After doing the pledge and working on some puzzles, we went over to the calendar area. We read our morning/afternoon message together and worked on patterns, calendar, counting, and graphing the weather. At the reading rug, we read "Pete the Cat - Rockin' In My School Shoes." 

You'll never believe it, but Pete actually left us clues; leading us all around the school. We didn't ever find him, but did we cry? Goodness NO! We read all about how he had to go back to his school and colored the special picture he left us. After we finished the page, we practiced lining up in ABC order.  Tomorrow we will practice a fire drill with our ABC order.  Finally, we read the I Am Special poem and got our very first Free Choice Time. 

Camp Kindergarten is off to a great start! Looking forward to tomorrow! 

Important Notes:
1. Please turn in all PV paperwork!
2. Please return your child's "First Day of Kindergarten" page ASAP and first day yellow school bus, if you haven't already!
3. Please complete and return the blue "parent questionnaire" ASAP!

Thank you parents for a great first 2 days of school!

~Mrs. Wittwer 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The First Day!!

Wow!  Today was such a great first day!  I am so proud of every single student today!  They did such a great job following directions and participating.  Today our morning started at the calendar, where we played name games and started learning how we do calendar time.  After learning our recess rules, we actually got to play on the play on playground.  Students had a great time swinging, playing on the monkey bars, teeter totter and on the big toy.  After recess, we learned our class rules and read all about Boris Bear (who always forgets his manners).  Your child loved the story and even got to make their own Boris Bear picture (it is in their backpack)!  Finally, we drew our first self portrait, working hard to try to match our drawing to what we were actually wearing.

Important notes:
1) If your child has not brought in their bus picture, please send in that tomorrow.
2) Please ask your child about their first day and fill out the white paper to return to me tomorrow.
3) Please fill out and return the first day of school packet to me in the brown envelope.
4) Please turn in any school supplies that have not been turned in yet.
5) If you have not told me your child's bus number or their mode of transportation has changed or if they have a special schedule, please email me to update me!

Thanks a bunch parents!  We had such a good day, I can't wait for tomorrow!

Mrs. Wittwer