
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!

Thank you for such a wonderful day downtown!  I have to say that was a pretty cool field trip!  Thank you so much for your support in making this happen!  The kids had a great time, I can't wait to hear what their favorite part was!

Our concerts are tomorrow at 9:45 and 2:30!  Please have your child dress up in their nice clothes for our concert!

Friday is our pajama party!  Remember, they still need to wear tennis shoes for PE!

Have a great evening!
Mrs. Wittwer

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!

Whew!  We got a lot done in a short amount of time!  I could definitely tell the students are excited for the next three days!  Today, we had reading groups, finished our cards for you, read the book "Rudolph To the Rescue" at the listening center!  We have a fabulous new Listening Center thanks to our PTO!  It is amazing, so thank you for your support with our fundraisers!!  Also, we played a reading and writing game!

Important things for tomorrow:

  • Dress warmly:  It is COLD, so please dress your little guy or gal in warm warm clothes so they can enjoy their adventure!  Remember part of our scavenger hunt is in Riverfront Park, so lots of layers!
  • Backpack:  If you are a volunteer, I am asking that you bring a backpack to wear and carry all those layers because part of the scavenger hunt is indoor as well.  Also to carry your scavenger hunt bag.  
  • Stamps:  Also, if you are coming please have one or two extra stamps on you so that if the line is too long at the post office you can have your students "buy" the stamps from you.
  • Camera:  Remember you are going to take pictures for our memory books downtown.  If you need a camera please let me know.  I haven't gotten an email yet, so I am assuming that everyone has a camera so far!  :)
  • $3 for STA bus fare for you!  
  • Show up by 9:05 in my classroom for a brief meeting!  When you come in on my big table will be a bag with your name on it!  Please get your bag and wait for the meeting to start.  When you get your bag, please check to make sure that there is exactly $7.49 in it.  
I think that is it for tomorrow, I will email if I think of anything else.

For Thursday, please have students dress up in their nice clothes again for our concert!  We did a rehearsal concert today, and they were so great!

For Friday, please make sure they only bring 1 stuffed animal or 1 pillow pet that they can fit in their backpack.  Also, they must wear PE shoes because we still have PE on Friday!  They will also get to check out a book from the Library for the break! :)

Happy Trails!  Please email me if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Monday, December 15, 2014

Marvelous Monday!

What a fun wintery day we had today!  We started with making one of our last surprises for you!  I have to say that they were all very careful when creating this piece of art just for you!  Also, we had calendar and our math lesson focusing on the number that is one less.  In the AM class we were able to read a precious story called "Santa's Book Of Names," about a little boy who learns to read when he gets to help out santa.   The PM class will get to read this tomorrow, but today we had our December art that our AM class had last Friday!  We made wonderful little snowflakes made out of coffee filters!  They turned out really cute!  The morning class had just a few minutes of Free Choice and the PM class voted to go outside for just two minutes.  Both classes practiced our songs for our concert on Thursday, and right in the middle of our practice, Santa came in and joined in singing with us!  Wow!  The students were super excited and surprised!  He read us the story, "The Night Before Christmas," answered some questions we had for him, and then we got to take a picture that will be in our memory books!  Santa was so nice because he gave us all a candy cane from the North Pole!  It was definitely a sight to behold!  

This week is such a busy, but a fun week, so please read all the information below carefully so you know what is happening!

Tomorrow is a normal Tuesday with reading groups!  Whew!
Wednesday:  Our ALL-DAY Field Trip is this Wednesday the 17th!  
  1. If you haven't emailed me yet how your child is going to get home that day, please do (parent take home from STA Five Mile Park and Ride, Pick up at Prairie View, or ride the School Bus Home, or other options). 
  2.  If you are volunteering for this field trip, please come to my classroom at 9:05 to get your student group list and scavenger hunt form.  I will have a brief meeting with you, than you may leave to go to the Park and Ride at the bottom of Five Mile.  Remember, we do not have room for parents on the school bus, so you will meet us at the Five Mile Park and Ride.  Don't forget to bring $3 for your STA bus fare.  
  3. If you are a volunteer, please review the scavenger hunt form that I sent you via email.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  
  4. Part of the scavenger hunt includes students visiting the post office downtown and purchasing a stamp.  I have counted out exact change for your child so that it goes very quickly.  The lines could potentially be long, so I suggest bringing two extra stamps in your purse or pocket so students can "purchase" the stamp from you instead of waiting in a long line.  If you do not have extra postage please let me know.  
  5. Volunteers please bring a camera to take 2 pictures downtown for our memory books, if you do not have a camera please let me know.
Thursday is our Christmas Concert!  The AM class will perform at 9:45 and the PM class at 2:30.   Please check in the office and wait until you are invited into the Multipurpose room.  The janitors are working hard to put the tables away from breakfast (AM) and lunch (PM) and put out the chairs for our concert. :)

Friday is our class party!  Students are allowed to wear pajamas and bring one small stuffed animal or pillow pet to cuddle with during the movie.  We have PE still, so please make sure tennis shoes are worn, not slippers!  Thank you!!  If you can help out during the party or by sending in treats, please email me ASAP!  :)  We still need helpers in both classes!

Winter break will soon be here!  Thank you for all your wonderful support throughout this year!

Happy Trails, 
Mrs. Wittwer


Thursday, December 11, 2014


Hello Parents,

It is hard to believe how fast this week is going and how we are almost to our last week in December!  Wow!  Yesterday, our PM class did an amazing job at their performance and I can't wait for you to see them next Thursday!  Remember the AM time has been moved to 9:45 and the PM time is still at 2:30.  Both of these shows will be in the Multipurpose Room (cafeteria).

Today we had reading groups focusing on our sight word "have" and writing the letter c within words that start with the letter c.  We are working hard on sounding out those words we want to write.  Today, we wrote a letter to Santa telling him if we've been naughty or nice!  They turned out pretty cute!  In both classes, we finished part of our Christmas gift to you and it is adorable!  In the PM class we had a Royal Reader to celebrate Brianna and her birthday!

1) Tomorrow is our Fun Friday!  Don't forget PE shoes and your child's library book!  

2) Also, if you are able to help out next Friday with the Holiday Party please email me and let me know!

3) Next week is a busy week!  Wednesday is the ALL-Day field trip.  Have your child to Prairie View by 9:15, please email me how your child is getting home if you have not yet.  Thank you!!  Thursday is the concert and Friday is our Holiday Party!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy Monday!!

Hello Parents,

We had such a wonderful day today!  We introduced our new letter for the week "Cc" and our new sight word "have!"  In math today, we worked on greater or less than the number 5.  We started our Christmas present for our parents today!  It is kind of a long project and they did such an amazing job following directions and painting!!  In the PM class we have only one more day left to practice before our concert at Fairwood on Wednesday!  They are practicing very hard and are just too cute!

There has been a change to our AM performance time for our concert on the 18th, it is going to be at 9:45, instead of 9:30, so please let all the people know that are coming in your family.  We have so many people coming we moved it to the multipurpose room!  :)

**Please turn in all permission forms and your $10 cash if you have not yet, I will be sending some emails tomorrow if I haven't received it yet, because we have to get things ready for our big trip next week!  As you can imagine, we are getting very excited!

Just a heads up that a very special North Pole visitor is going to be stopping by our classroom on Monday to read us a story!  This is a surprise!

Have a good night!
Mrs. Wittwer

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy Thursday!!

What a snowy, beautiful day!  We had such a wonderful day!  The morning class had their concert this morning and they did such a FANTASTIC JOB!  The senior citizens loved it and raved to Mrs. Mulder for 30 minutes afterwards!  We did calendar, our Daily News, math and had a Royal Reader for Ella's birthday!

In the PM class, we practiced our songs for our concert next week on Wednesday, and had our Daily News.  We had reading groups, working on our letter Nn and the "N" sound, and our sight word "To."  In math, we worked on math vocabulary of greater and less.  In addition we worked on following directions so we knew which numbers to circle.  We worked on our retelling skills of our story "Apple Farmer Annie."

Important Reminders:
1) If you haven't turned in your little half sheet that I gave you at your Conference, please send that little half sheet in so I have your information.  Remember to keep the top half after you cut it so you have that information!  Also, remember this day is a full day field trip, from 9:15-3:15!
2)  If you haven't turned in your yellow PM concert form yet, please send that in tomorrow!
3)  If you haven't turned in your $10 cash for the Field Trip on the 17th, please send that in.  I'm sorry but we cannot accept checks because we have to break the money up to get change for our different activities.  
4) If you are volunteering for the Downtown Field Trip on 17th, please do not forget to bring your $3 on that day for your STA bus fare.  
5) Students have PE, Music and Library tomorrow!  Please do not forget to wear PE shoes!
6) If you can help with the Christmas party on the 19th, please let me know!  See times on the schedule of events.  
7) We will be performing our Christmas songs for parents and grandparents on December 18th!  
AM performance is at 9:30 AM
PM performance is at 2:30 PM
The concert will last about 30 minutes.  

Happy Trails, 
Mrs. Wittwer

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

We are working on the /Nn/ sound this week and the sight word "to". We read a great book and learned how apples get to our supermarkets in "Apple Farmer Annie". We also did a piece of writing about what we did on Thanksgiving. 

Today, we continued our focus on the /Nn/ sound and the sight words "to", "go", "see", "like", "a", "the", "we", "can" and "I", as well as reading (sounding out, blending) words that include the sounds a, i, m, n, p, s, t.  

The students are bringing home a blue piece of construction paper where they worked on the following question: How many different ways can you place 5 pumpkins on the ground and in a wagon? Most students found a few different ways. Help your child find as many as they can (AM will bring theirs home tomorrow). 

On Thursday the AM class will be visiting an assisted living center to perform the songs we have a been practicing the past few months. 

Next Wednesday the PM class will have their turn visiting the assisted living center. 

If you have not already, please send in the field trip permission slip for your child to attend. 

I am so happy to be back!  I was able to jet down to the courthouse today right after school and they finally agreed to let me postpone my jury duty to this summer!  Yea!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Wittwer