
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Wow!  What an amazing week we have had so far!  We have been focusing on the letter Bb and our sight words are "and" and "what."

This week we have been learning a lot about what a good friend does and does not do.  We have read several really good books that display what a good friend does, they were: The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Friends, The Invisible Boy, and Chester's Way.  Then we watched a short clip from Sesame Street about how to make friends. On Wednesday, after we watched the clip, we started our District Writing Assessment.  This was to see how students write an opinion piece on their own and to tell me what makes a good friend.  I was so impressed with your child!  This took perseverance, lots of stamina and great effort!  Every SINGLE student finished and gave me their very best effort!!  I am so proud of them!  Way to go students!!

Today was another special day too!  We watched the Beauty and the Beast performance!  It was amazing!  Ask your child what their favorite part was!  If you want to catch the last performance tonight, it is at 6:30 PM.

***Tomorrow, do not forget that we have Library, Music and PE!  Don't forget those tennis shoes and if you haven't turned in your library book, please send it in tomorrow with the Homework Folder!

Dr. Seuss' birthday is on Monday, March 2nd!  We are going to be doing a lot of activities centered around Dr. Seuss coming up in the month of march!  Here are a few pictures of the Abraham Lincoln pictures we created last Friday!

 Have a great night!
Mrs. Wittwer

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fun Friday!

What a fantastic day!

After our normal P.E., music, and library time, we created adorable pictures of Abraham Lincoln. We also took pictures with Abraham Lincoln beards and hats on. Just wait until you see the pictures...SO CUTE! :) We also worked on math (adding to ten using ten frames) and did our normal calendar routine.

Important Information:
1. Homework folders will come home on Monday (2-23)! All kiddos should be doing the attached math page. Also, when your child writes their name above their homework sentence (on the back side), please remind them to use their best writing. This is part of their handwriting practice!

2. Take Home Books are due on Monday (2-23). Remember, if your child needs a new book or new level, please put a note in their plastic book envelope.  
3. Just a heads up (for planning purposes), Grandparents Day will be March 20th. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Wittwer

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!

We had a wonderful day together! 

We started our day working on some memory book items. Then, we transitioned to reading groups, where kiddos worked on writing the letter Ee, sight words, their ABC books, reading, and listening. After our calendar and Daily News, the students did their first "math sprint." A sprint is where the students write as clearly and quickly as they can until they hear the bell. We then transitioned to writing, where the kiddos learned what an opinion is and why we use them in writing. The kiddos then did a write about "the best part of the 100th day." 

Important Information:
1. Tomorrow is the book exchange. If your child needs a new book or new level, please include a note in their plastic envelope. Even if your child doesn't need a new book or level, please still send the book in. We keep track of where kiddos are each week.
2. Library books are due tomorrow. 
3. Our class pals are due tomorrow. Pleas make sure your child has written a sentence and included a picture with their sentence. Please email me if you have any questions about the class pal! :)

Have a great evening!
Mrs. Wittwer

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

I hope you had a wonderful three day President's Day Weekend!  It was so great to be back with your child today!  

Our new letter of the week is /Ee/ and our new sight words are "this" and "do."  Please practice spelling, reading and writing these sight words every night.  Today, we did "What's in Mrs. Wittwer's Bag?" where everything in my bag starts with our letter of the week.  Then we read a book about Elvin the Elephant, in "The Enormous Elephant Show."  Our math was super fun today!  We used a 10 sided die with a partner and were working on less, more, greater, and equal.  

This whole week we have a presidential focus.  So today we read a book about President Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president discussing his character traits and the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that slaves are forever free in all of the United States.  The students love learning about history and one of our great leaders, they had great insight and thoughts.  Tomorrow, we will read about George Washington!  

  • Thursday is our next book exchange day, please make sure you have a note if you want your child's book exchanged. :)
  • Library books are due back on Thursday. 
  • Clifford (AM) and Tigger (PM), our class pals came home today with one lucky student.  Please read the directions, take them on adventure and return on Thursday.
  • Homework Folders return on Friday.
Have a great evening!
Mrs. Wittwer

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!

Wow, the 101st day of school!  

We started our day playing a dice math game with a partner. We then transitioned to reading groups; working hard on the letter Rr, sight words, doing ABC books, reading, and listening. After calendar and Daily News, we finished our 100th Day writing. The kiddos' illustrations are adorable, but their sentences are even better! What great writers! After writing, we did math where the kiddos reviewed"less", "more", "equal",  and "even". Finally, we finished our day with a short recess. 

Important Information:
1. Tomorrow is the book exchange. If your child needs a new book or new level, please include a note in their plastic envelope. Even if your child doesn't need a new book or level, please still send the book in. We keep track of where kiddos are each week.
2. Library books are due tomorrow. 
3. Please help your child make a Valentine's Day box for our class party on Friday! You can send it in anytime on or before Friday, February 13th. 
4. A big THANK YOU to the Mead community for their support! Preliminary results have both February 10 ballot measures receiving voter approval. The Levy received nearly 69% voter approval and the Bond 63.5%. The Spokane County Elections Office will certify election results on February 24, 2015.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Marvelous Monday!

Hi Parents, 

With so many so students having the flu and being out sick, I am doing a mass cleaning/sanitizing of everything.  Including sending all water bottles home.  Please send them back once they have been cleaned.  Thank you to those parents that have sent in hand sanitizer!  We are going through it fast!  :)  

This week our letter of the week is "R" and our sight words are still "for" and "you."  Please help your child review all our letters and sounds and sight words we have had so far this year.  

We started bringing our Class Pal home last Thursday and today, so if your child brings a big Clifford (AM) or a big Tigger (PM) home, please read the directions in the binder and let me know if you have any questions.  It is due back the next Take Home Book Day (Monday to Thursday and Thursday to Monday).  Our Camp Ranger is still bringing home the Camp Bear and Binder.

Tomorrow is our 100th day of school!  We have a lot of great activities planned for the day.  Please make sure your little peanut has a big breakfast and lunch before school.     

Homework Folders came home today in the AM class.  The PM class will come home tomorrow!  

Our Valentine's Day party lands on a Friday, so our schedule is a bit tricky. We get to have our Art Lesson on Friday, so here is our schedule.  If you want to join us, we would love to have you.
9:20-9:50 / 12:45-1:10: Art (lead by parent volunteers)
9:50-10:05 / 1:35-1:50: Pass out Valentine's
10:30-10:55 / 1:50-2:00 & 2:50-3:05: A Charlie Brown Valentine

Also, please help your child create a Valentine's Day mailbox for our party on Friday the 13th. Please make sure their name is clearly written on the front. Please send the box in no later than February 12th
Have a wonderful day and thanks again for all your support! I so appreciate it!

Mrs. Wittwer

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!

We had such a fantastic day of reading groups, counting and writing numbers to 100 using a hundred chart, and identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a story. We also practiced finding the main idea in a story by asking ourselves "What important things have happened so far?" 

Please help your child create a Valentine's Day mailbox for our party on Friday the 13th. Please make sure their name is clearly written on the front or top!  Next week will be super fun because we get to celebrate the 100th day of school on Tuesday and Valentines day on Friday!  Our Valentine's day party will be Friday, February 13th in around our specialist schedule!      

Have a great night!

Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Monday!

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Well, Phil saw his shadow! So, we may have 6 more weeks of winter. We were pretty excited to celebrate Groundhog's day today!  We loved seeing the real Phil!  We had fun talking about the day and all that comes with the month of February! We're all very excited for the 100th day of school (next Tuesday) and our Valentine's Day party!  We sent home the class list of names in their homework folders today, please use the checklist to make sure that each child in our class has a valentine.

This week we are focusing on the /Dd/ sound and the sight words "you" and "for."

In math today. we learned how to tell "about" how many objects or to estimate about how many are in a group without counting each objects. We explained that "about" means close to the exact number, with a few less or few more.  We were working on telling about 5, 10 or 20!

We ended the day by making our Groundhog hat to remind us that Phil saw his shadow!
Have a great evening!

Mrs. Wittwer