
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Happy Tuesday

Today we had a great Tuesday!  We started out with creating our big gift to you!  Students did a great job following detailed directions.  Then we did our Calendar and Daily News routine, counting all the way up to 64!  Then we bundled up and went outside for recess.  After recess, we had Reading groups, focusing on our new letter of the week, Nn.  Our new sight word is “to.”  We worked on blending with the sound, which is sometimes hard to decipher if it is a /m/ sound or /n/ sound.  We also worked on writing the sounds and segmenting the sounds we hear in a word.  After reading groups, we had a Royal Reader for Mrs. Snider with both classes!  It was a great way to end our day.

Homework folders came home today if they did not come home yesterday.  I have been down with the stomach flu, so things got a little off schedule yesterday and today.

This Thursday we are going to have our Winter Party in the AM class from 9:15-10:15 and in the PM class from 12:45-1:45.  Then we are going to finish strong with our Reading Groups for the week on Thursday.

PJ day this Friday!  This Friday is a normal PE and Music specialists day so students will still need their PE shoes, but we get to watch a holiday movie (A Muppet Christmas Carol) in our jammies and eat the school’s delicious popcorn.  **My one request is for students to not bring their most beloved toy or stuffed animal this Friday, just in case it gets left here over break, that would be really sad.  Students are allowed to bring one pillow pet or stuffed animal, etc.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Wittwer        

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Today was a great day!  Today, we started with measuring things in our class that were longer, shorter and the exact same length as a popsicle stick.  Students did a great job finding some unique items!  Then we went to calendar, and guess what... today is the 60th day of school!  In honor of the 60th day, we read the book all about zero, called "Zero, The Hero."  Then we did reading groups, focusing on the sounds we have learned, writing, sounding out and blending those sounds to make words.  After reading groups, we worked on more math lengths, shorter, longer and the exact length.  Both classes have read "The Twelve Days of Christmas," and in the PM class we were able to start reading "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," by Dr. Seuss.  

Students are very excited for tomorrow's field trip!  They will line up like normal in the morning outside.  At 9:10 they will come in like normal, we will do attendance and then get on the bus to meet parent volunteers at the Five Mile Park and Ride.

1) Remember if you are a volunteer, you have a meeting with me at promptly at 8:55 to get your packet of info for each child you have.
2) After the meeting, you will meet us down at the Five Mile Park and Ride.
3) Please bring $3 cash for your bus fare, as well as money for your lunch.
4) During this trip, you must keep your assigned kiddos with you at all times.  Even if you see a child's parent (who maybe works downtown, etc.), the child is to stay with you.
5) After the field trip, you are free to take your child from the park and ride, HOWEVER, YOU MUST SIGN YOUR CHILD OUT WITH ME BEFORE LEAVING!
6) If your child is riding the bus back up to Prairie View for regular dismissal at the end of the day, please email me and let me know how they are getting home AND what bus number they are riding.
7) It is suppose to rain tomorrow, so please bring/send an umbrella if possible, as well as a raincoat for you and your child.

Please email me if you have any questions!

Have a great night!  Can't wait for tomorrow!
Mrs. Wittwer  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


What a great day!  We started the day with one of our gifts for you!  The students did a great job following directions on this project.  After our project, we addressed our letters to Santa that we will be sending on Thursday.  After our Santa letter, we had calendar and recess and then AM class had indoor recess and PM class had outdoor recess.   At reading groups, we worked on breaking words apart into the phonemes, blended words together and wrote the sounds we heard.  We listened to "Pete The Cat Saves Christmas."  After reading groups we worked on our first informational writing assignment.  Students did such a great job writing three facts about themselves.


1) Please check your email in regards what to wear on our field trip on Thursday.

2) Next book exchange is on Monday, due to the field trip.

3) Library books and Homework Folders due on Friday.

Have a great evening!
Mrs. Wittwer

Monday, December 7, 2015


We started our day with a social skills lesson. We then worked on part of our kindergarten Christmas presents. The kiddos are working very hard and super excited to give their gifts to you! We then did calendar and Daily News. After Daily News, we took time to share our homework. We tried to do it last Friday, but ran out of time. I so appreciated how each kiddo shared what they were proud of and how their friends listened and complemented them. We then moved on to math, where the kiddos worked together to identify objects that were shorter or longer, counted each, and wrote the number. We ended our day together with a story - Duck on a Bike. We used picture clues to make predictions about the story.  We also sang the Twelve Days of Christmas with some pretty cool moves!   

PM kinders had library checkout today!

Important Information:
1. Homework folders came home today (12-7).
2. Take Home Books were exchanged today.
3. The kindergarten field trip is ALL DAY on December 10th! Please sign and return the blue permission slip, along with $10 cash as soon as possible! On the permission slip, please mark whether your child needs medication and whether or not you'll be taking your child from the park and ride at the end of the day OR if your child will ride the school bus back up to Prairie View. 
4. Christmas Break is December 21-January 1. School resumes on January 4th.
5. Please send your child in warm clothes! It's very cold (and wet) outside and we'll continue to go outside, even as the snow comes (or if the rain stops). Below are the district cold weather guidelines:
1. Students will have morning access to their school buildings when the temperature (with wind chill) is below 16 degrees.
2. Recess will be in-doors when the temperature (with wind chill) is below 16 degrees.
3. Please make sure children are equipped and appropriately dressed for cold weather. Coats, hats, and gloves are recommended to assure students remain warm and comfortable while outside.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Wittwer

Friday, December 4, 2015

Happy Friday!

What a wonderful Friday!
In the morning class, we started our day with Library!  We read a book that is a spin off of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," this book is called "The Wolf Who Cried Boy."  After Library, we did an incredibly fun art lesson! We started by reading the book "Snowmen At Night," a super cute book about all the fun things snowmen might do at night.  The students followed directions and made the cute Snowman you see above! These will be Christmas decorations for the Winer Extravaganza and then students will get to bring them home once the concerts are completed. The students enjoyed their time with Mrs. Mulder for Music and P.E. today!  

In the PM class, after PE, Music and our fabulous art lesson, we had Free Choice Time and I read the students one of my favorite Christmas books, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."  We started to learn all the moves that go with the song, but we ran out of time.  We will learn all of them next week!  PM kinders have Library on Monday afternoon.  

Super Important 
1) Blue Permission Forms for our ALL Day field trip are DUE!!  Please turn these in on Monday!  If you need another one, please come stop by the class for 1 minute to fill it out, I have extra!  Thank you!!

2) If you are coming as a volunteer, please make sure you have sent me an email or you sent in the goldenrod form.

3) $10 cash is DUE!  I have to go to the bank and split up the money for the designated activities for all 40 students.  Please turn this in on Monday if you have not!  Thank you!

4) Homework Folders will come home on Monday!

5) Take Home Book Exchange is on Monday, please make sure your child's book has a sticky note on it to get exchanged.

6) Please be sure to help your child dress in warm clothes, coats, hats and gloves for our recess outside.

7) PM kinders have library on Monday!  :)

8) Our winter party will be on December 18th!

9) Winter Break starts December 21st and goes through January 1st.  School resumes on January 4th!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Wittwer

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

We had a wonderful day in Camp Kindergarten today!  We started out with our math lesson on height, how to tell if something is taller or shorter, how we need to line up the objects so we can measure them correctly.  Then we did our Calendar and Daily News!  We are up to day 54 today!  We went outside for our recess, then came back in and had reading groups.  Our letter of the week is Ii and our letter of the week is "go."  We worked on blending, sounding out words, and reading our sight words.  Then we worked on our ABC books, read our decodable reader and listened to the story "The Very Snowy Christmas."  After reading groups, we wrote our letter to Santa that we are going to send on our Field Trip next week.  In our PM class, we had a Royal Reader celebrating Luke!

1) Today a very special BLUE form came home in backpacks.  This form is informing you of the time I need you if you are volunteering to meet at school for our Field Trip on the 10th and other important info about that day.  The other side of the form is the permission slip for your child to go on the field trip.  This is different that the goldenrod form (that is if you are chaperoning), this one is for the school district.  Please write down any pertinent info from that letter or copy it.  
  • On the permission slip side, please think about how your child is going to get home at the end of the field trip:  if you are going to take your child from the Five Mile Park and Ride, please put a check next to that option.  If you are not taking your child from the Five Mile Park and Ride and they are going to ride the school bus back to Prairie View, do not mark this option. 
  • Please return this blue form as soon as possible, but no later than this Friday.  Please include your child's $10 by this Friday as well.  We need time to get all the change ready for our trip.
  • Please return the goldenrod form whether you can volunteer or not ASAP.
  • Remember this is an ALL DAY Field Trip starting at 9:10 and ending at 3:20!  :) 
2) Please be sure your child wears a hat, gloves, coat and warm boots for lining up outside and for our recess!

3) Kindergarten does not partake in a winter concert or the Winter Extravaganza.

4) Winter Break starts December 21st and goes through January 1st.  School resumes on January 4th!

5) We will have a pajama and movie winter party on December 18th!  

Have a great evening!
Mrs. Wittwer