We worked really hard on writing the letter Aa today! When writing the lowercase a, please start with the magic "c" and then keep going up, bring it back down and give it a little tail, to make the a.
When making the capital A, start with diagonal stick like / then add another one going the other way, it should like like tent, then give it a zipper going from one stick to the other and make a window, A! We also wrote our sight words that we have worked on like: We, can, I and the!
We are almost all done with our Happy Camper interviews, next week, our Happy Camper Binder and our class bear will come home one night to the student who is drawn randomly that day. When you get the binder, please read the binder with your child and return the next day! Thank you!
Don't Forget:
- Tomorrow Homework and Homework Folders are Due!
- Take Home Books are Due! If you need a new book, write a note! :)
- No School this Friday, October 10th!
Mrs. Wittwer