
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Thursday!

Wow!  What a great day!  We were able to get through everything today in AM and PM classes, including a recess at the end of the day!  Today, we started out making all our letters with Play Dough, and even creating things that start with some of our letters that we have learned (snake, snail, turtle).  Then we had calendar, and today was a very special day because Zero The Hero came because today is our 50th day of school!  Can you believe it?  We are half way to our 100th day of school!  Then we wrote about something special we can see in our classroom!  I can see ____.  Students wrote the sight words they know how to spell and sounded out the words they wanted to write to finish their sentence.  During reading groups, we read our readers, worked on our sight word of the week:  see, ex: I am so happy to see you here today!  Our letter of the week is Tt, so we worked with words that start with Tt!  In math, we were working on the numbers 8 and 9, counting, filling in a five frame and coloring counters.  You can see this page in your child's backpack tonight!


  1. Tomorrow we have Library, Music and PE so please return any Library books and help your little peanut to get their PE shoes on!
  2. Schedule your child's conference if you have not yet at 465-7800
  3. Dress your child in a warm coat, hat and gloves (label them all with your child's name).
  4. If you can come on our Field Trip December 17th please email me to let me know you can make it!  If you have emailed me, I have you down!  Thank you to those of you who have said you can come already!  I am still looking for about 5 more adults to come, so if you can, please do!  It is all day on the 17th!
  5. Homework Folders are due tomorrow!
  6. Conference week is our normal schedule for Kindergarten, it is different for every other grade but us from November 20-26th!  :)  
Have a great night!  Happy Trails!
Mrs. Wittwer