
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

This week has been a super fun packed week already!  This week our focus is on the letter Jj this week and the sight words "with" and "my".  Tomorrow we will also introduce the letter Qq!

In Math, we are now changing our focus from addition to subtraction. We have been practicing how to "take away" objects and writing a matching subtraction sentence. It's been really fun to watch the students acquire a stronger knowledge of addition and subtraction these past few weeks. 

Yesterday, we had snail races! The students observed the land snails and predicted who would win the race while using our science vocabulary.  It was so fun to see the students watch the snail races!  As you can imagine, the races are kind of slow, but very fun and interesting all the same!  Yesterday, students also had the opportunity to hold a land snail in their hand!

Today, we observed water snails! Once we discussed the characteristics of the water snails, we discussed the similarities and differences between the land snails and the water snails. They are very interesting and cute creatures!

1. Please turn in any Spirit Pack paperwork you have for our Technology Fund Run.  Please see this link to the PTO website if you have any questions or need to print out the form.  http://pvpto.digitalpto.com/2015/04/30/announcement-get-your-spirit-pack-by-may-11th/
2. Thursday is our next Take Home book exchange day!  Also, MoMMa is also from 6-8 and dessert will be served!
3.  Students are writing a new story this week for homework, if you have any questions, please email me!  :)
Have a great night!