Happy (Sunny) Thursday!
We started our day with a math sprint, and then we worked on a super-special gift for Mother's Day! Most gifts were taken home today, a few will be sent home tomorrow. We then transitioned to reading groups, where kiddos worked on initial sounds, reading, ABC books, and listening. We then worked on math subtraction sentences and number bonds. Then we continued our day with science, reading all about worms. We ended our day with a short recess in the beautiful sunshine!
Important Information:
1. The students have P.E., music, and library tomorrow!
2. Library books are due (if they weren't turned in today).
3. Homework folders are due tomorrow. Please be sure your child's HW is turned in with their folder. I am looking forward to reading all the kiddos' stories!
4. Our spring field trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 28th. We will be going to Sky Prairie Park. Parents and younger siblings are welcome to meet us there! Permission slips will go home next week on Monday.
5. Our end of Kindergarten program is scheduled for June 9th at 6:30pm. Please feel free to bring your other kiddos, invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. It's sure to be a fun (and cute) show!