
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Monday! First Night Of Homework!

Hi Parents,

What a wonderful day of school we had today!  In the morning class we had two Royal Readers to celebrate Makena's birthday and Liesel's birthday!  Then students learned how to draw their very first self portrait, making sure they had all their body parts and we did our best to draw what we wore to school today.  Then wrote our letters of the day, Gg and Hh and practiced the sounds they make.  We interviewed our Happy Camper of the day today, Liam (AM) and Kinleigh (PM).  Together we read our Message of the Day, Calendar and our Daily News.  Today is the 10th day of school, so we introduced Zero The Hero.  He is our place holder than doesn't have a value, but is super important because without him it would be the number 1, not 10!  In math, we worked on one-to-one correspondence to find out how many, and then circled the number we counted.  We had a short recess outside in the middle of our day.  PM kiddos had Library today and got to check out 1 book, it is in their backpack.  Library books live in students backpacks so they do not get lost at home.  

Tonight is the first night of HOMEWORK!  On the LEFT AT HOME side there are a few little notes about picture day and some fun prairie events. Please take the papers out and keep them at home. on the RIGHT BACK TO SCHOOL side you'll see the picture order form, WSP volunteer form, and your child's homework. Each night we want students to write their sentence, read their Take Home Book and do part of their math page.  

Homework is going to be very challenging at first!  I PROMISE it will get easier throughout the year!  Your job is to praise, praise, praise your kiddo and to provide them a quiet work space free from distractions!  Tell them you just want them to give me and you their best effort.  The Daily News Paper is on the front, this is for you and your child to read together and enjoy.  The backside of the Daily News is where your child will write the sentence of the day and also where they will practice writing their name on the lines neatly.  Each night students should write one sentence.  Please do not wait to do it all at once, we are trying to get them into the routine of homework.  The daily practice is also very good for their brains.  Ask them what they would like to write for the prompt.  Tonight's prompt is:  Today I _____.  Ask your child what they would like to write about.  While writing, they are to write the sounds they hear, just like we do in our Daily News.  If your child doesn't hear or know the sounds now, that is ok, have them write just what they hear.  I have attached the progression of writing looks like.  Praise your child with whatever they do!  It might be scribbles right now, it might be a letter, it might be a few words, whatever they do is perfect just for them! Example of phonetic spelling: Today I rod mi bik. (Today I rode my bike.)

Some rules for you that will be very hard to stick to during writing homework.
#1- Do not spell anything for them,
#2 Do not write anything for them,
#3 Do not tell them they wrote something incorrectly.
You literally smile and say good job!  I am so proud of you!  That is perfect!  :)  I am telling you this because it is hard!

During Reading Homework:  Read the Take Home Book provided.  Everybody started out on the same book on the same level.  Read the book with your child proving as much help and guidance as they need.  Teach them how to point to the words, they can look at the pictures while reading to give them clues.  Read the book several times.  At this point do not cover the pictures, we use pictures to give us clue to what we are reading.  Practice reading this book every night, several times.  Take Home Book Exchange is on Thursday.

To tell if this book is appropriate:
1) Only one word should be difficult for your child per page.  If it is more than that, they need to keep  this book and keep practicing that book until they can read the book.
2) If your child didn't know all the words at first, but by time Thursday comes around they know them all and can read you the book, it is time for a new book at the same level.
3) If your child knew all the words and can read them without looking at the pictures, it is time for a new book at a new level on Thursday.  

Options for a reading the Take Home Book Exchange on Thursday:
1) If your child needs more practice with this book, return the book in the envelope so I can check off  that you have that book.
2) If the book was at an appropriate level of difficulty, but you are done with this book write on a sticky note: New Book
3) If your child could read this book in the first sitting and they know all the words, write on a sticky note: New Level.

**If a book doesn't have a sticky note, it doesn't get exchanged, just checked off.


1) Please return the picture order form asap. Pictures are this Friday (9/25).

2) If you plan on volunteering in our classroom at all OR if you want to attend any/all of our field trips, you must fill out the WSP form and return it to the office.  This will take a few minutes in the office, please have your drivers license ready.  Please do not send these in with your child.
3) Wow!  Lots of Cookie Dough sales already in our class!  Way to go class!  Keep up the great work!  Please continue to help your child sell cookie dough. Remember, if your kiddo sells or receives donations, to fill out the white coupon and send it in. They will get a minion key chain for every 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 tubs they sell. Again, please email with questions! 
4) If you have not yet put the yellow transportation tag on your child's backpack, please do that tonight. It so helpful and important that we know how your child will be getting home.   

5. If you haven't turned in all your school forms or picture developing money, please do so asap! Thanks!  

Happy Trails!
Mrs. Wittwer