We had an amazing Friday!
We started our day with 4th grade buddies. The students got to meet their fourth grade buddy. Kinders taught their fourth grade buddy how to play the math game, Birthday Candles and then they got to have Free Choice together! We will actually start doing buddy art projects starting in October. We then walked down to the gym for picture day. The students did a wonderful job listening to instructions! Finally, the kiddos were able to enjoy P.E. (outside) and music with Mrs. Mulder.
Have a wonderful weekend!~Love, Mrs. Wittwer
1. Homework folders will come home on Monday (9/28). Please have your child work on their homework each night (Monday-Thursday) and keep it in their homework folder. If your child did not turn in their homework today, please have them turn it in on Monday.
2. Take Home Books are due Monday (9/28).Options for a reading the Take Home Book Exchange on Thursday:
1. If your child needs more practice with this book, return the book in the envelope so I can check off that you have that book.
2. If the book was at an appropriate level of difficulty, but you are done with this book write on a sticky note: New Book
3. If your child could read this book in the first sitting and they know all the words, write on a sticky note: New Level.
**If a book doesn't have a sticky note, it doesn't get exchanged, just checked off.
3. Please continue to help your child sell cookie dough. Remember, if your kiddo sells or receives donations, to fill out the white coupon and send it in. They will get a minion key chain for every 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 tubs they sell/donations they receive. Again, please email with questions! All Cookie Dough Fundraiser paperwork and donations are due Friday, October 2nd!
4. If you have not yet put the yellow transportation tag on your child's backpack, please do that tonight. It so helpful and important that we know how your child will be getting home.
5. If you haven't turned in all your school forms or $8 cash, please do so! :)
6. Remember, the office actually needs you to fill out the WSP form and personally bring it into the office because they will also need a copy of your license when you turn in the form. This must be filled out before you can volunteer in the classroom. If you have questions, please let me know!