
Please do not hesitate to contact me! :)

AM Specialist (all on Friday): PM Specialist:
Music: 10:30-10:55 P.E.: 1:10-1:35 (Fri)
Library: 9:20-9:50 Music: 2:00-2:25 (Fri)
P.E.: 11:20-11:45 Library: 2:50-3:10 (Mon)

Part A) Every night students should read their take home book and practice their sight words. Take home books are exchanged only on Mondays and Thursdays.
**If your child is ready for a new book, a sticky note needs to be attached saying "new book."

Part B) Homework Page goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday in their homework folder. Each night students should:
1) Write their name in their best handwriting.
2) Write their daily sentence sounding out their words
3) Complete the math challenge, it follows along with our math program so every student should be able to do this.

Library Books are due on Thursdays so students can check out on Fridays.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!

What a great day today!  We started our day with writing and saying the sounds of our first letter of the day, Kk!  Then we interviewed our Camp Ranger for the day, AM= Liesel and PM=Ali!  We did our Morning Message, Calendar, and Daily News.  We looked very closely at our poem for the week that includes our two sight words of the week, I and can!  Then we wrote our campers name as neatly as we could for their name book!  We had a cute and fun math lesson today where students were working with numbers and cubes (bears).  They had to use their number card to tell how many cubes.  We were working with math story problems about bears(cubes) either swimming at the lake or playing tag on the field!  Example: I have 3 bears swimming at the lake and 2 bears playing tag on the field.  How many do I have altogether?  Then we had a nice recess outside in the glorious sunshine!  After recess, we practiced our reading groups again today.  Today was closer to how reading groups will actually be.  Each group had more time today at each rotation.  In our rotations we worked on: Reading a pre-decodable book with me working on concepts of print, practiced writing the second letter of the day, Ll, listening to Pete The Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons, and working on puzzles!  Students did a great job during these rotations today!

1) Tomorrow is the Take Home Book Exchange:
Options for a reading the Take Home Book Exchange on Thursday:
1. If your child needs more practice with this book, return the book in the envelope so I can check off  that you have that book.
2. If the book was at an appropriate level of difficulty, but you are done with this book write on a sticky note: New Book
3. If your child could read this book in the first sitting and they know all the words, write on a sticky note: New Level.
**If a book doesn't have a sticky note, it doesn't get exchanged, just checked off.

2) Students should continue working on their homework packets. Remember, we don't expect your child to be reading and spelling everything correctly. Please just provide them a quiet spot and read the sentence prompt to them. If they ask how to spell something, just say..."use your best guess spelling! You can do it!" 
Here are some rules for you that will be very hard to stick to during writing homework:
#1- Do not spell anything for them,
#2 Do not write anything for them,
#3 Do not tell them they wrote something incorrectly. 
You literally smile and say good job!  I am so proud of you!  That is perfect!
3) Make sure your kiddo reads their take home book at least twice to you. Remember, it's very normal and developmentally appropriate for kiddos to use picture clues. Please do not cover the pictures in your child's book.  I taught students today that I want them to use their "Magic Pointer Finger" while reading.  If they can read the book, have them point to each word as they read it.  If they are using picture clues still, have them point and put your hand over the top to show them how to read and point to the words on the page.  This helps students to develop their concepts of print and really helps us as we get further along in reading!

4) Please continue to help your child sell cookie dough. Remember, if your kiddo sells or receives donations, to fill out the white coupon and send it in. They will get a minion key chain for every 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 tubs they sell/donations they receive. Again, please email with questions!  Wow!  Right now our PM class is tied for first!  :)  

5) If you have not yet put the yellow transportation tag on your child's backpack, please do that tonight. It so helpful and important that we know how your child will be getting home.   
6. If you haven't turned in all your school forms, please do so asap! Thanks!
7. Pictures are this Friday (9/25). Please send in pictures envelopes in as soon as possible. 

Happy Trails!
Mrs. Wittwer